Frequently Asked QUestions

According to, a professional organizer is someone who brings order to everything. Professional organizers can help create order out of areas such as paperwork filing, kids’ toys, kitchens, and even businesses. At Simply Organizing Life, we work with the client to help bring order to whatever areas of their home or business that causes frustration.

It depends… If you are interested in virtual sessions, then the whole hour is spent in a video chat online. If you are wanting more hands-on help (and most of our clients do), then we travel to you anywhere in Brevard County or north Indian River county area.

☑︎ We recommend gathering black trash bags as well as boxes for donation so you can be ready for the task at hand. 

☑︎ If you have pets or small children at home, consider finding someone to babysit for the session so you can focus on your dedicated time with the organizer with minimal distractions.

☑︎ Mentally remind yourself that an important part of this process is decluttering so it is OK to say goodbye to some things. 

☑︎ Be ready for the transformation to occur!