When it comes to tackling overwhelming clutter, work with someone who relishes reigning in that chaos.

Cluttered Closet

You know that area of your home or office that makes your eye twitch EVERY TIME you look at it? What about all the clutter throughout the home that you furiously stuff into closets or storage spaces every time you invite someone over? What if I were to tell you it didn’t have to be like that?

You WANT to have the peace of an organized home, but don’t know where to even start. You may even know where to start, but need more accountability to actually GET started. 

Oh, you are in just the right place! That’s where I come in… Brevard County professional organizer, extraordinaire!

Hey, y'all! I’m Kimberly Herron, and I serve overwhelmed, stressed out, busy moms and professionals who are looking for calm in the midst of the chaos of clutter.

I show overwhelmed moms and professionals just like you how to create simple, optimized systems for your everyday life – all while bringing more peace into their lives without the one size fits all approach to organizing. 

With my detail-oriented personality and natural strength in organizing, I have worked with both individuals and companies to help create personalized organization and systems.

Kimberly Herron, Founder + CEO of Simply Organizing Life; About us

My 3-Step Process


Schedule your FREE consultation so we can make sure we are on the same page with the area that creates the overwhelming stress and the desired final outcome.


Time to put in some of the hardest work of the project, but this is where the biggest impact is made. Organization can’t happen without decluttering first otherwise it’s just shuffling “stuff” around.


Ahhh. The visually and emotionally rewarding time of organizing your items in a way that is beautiful, but functional for you in your everyday life!

Kimberly is amazing at helping get things organized!! With 2 under 2, I needed help creating systems that would help me get all of the baby things tidy. She worked with me to create the simplest way to keep the diaper bag more organized and she even helped me create a fool-proof process so that way I wouldn't forget to restock all of the essentials. My mom brain needed it!
♡ Jessica

Wanna work with me? Head on over to the services page to see what all we have to offer.

Hmmm.... A little about me

“Anything mentionable is manageable” from A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood (2019)

2 cats named Hayden + Misty

90s Country followed by Disney

Travel to a new place annually. 

Right now Europe has been a popular spot. I’m going about every other year.

Cookie Dough Bites or Reeces Cups. 

Peanut butter >> chocolate to me

Good wine hands down! Non-alcoholic? I love splurging with some good ole sweet tea.

Cable turtles – they are great at hiding excess cable length

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